

英 [lɑ:ˈplɑ:s]
美 [ləˈples]


  • 释义


  • 英英释义

    Laplace[ la:'pla:s ]

    • n.French mathematician and astronomer who formulated the nebular hypothesis concerning the origins of the solar system and who developed the theory of probability (1749-1827)

      同义词:Marquis de LaplacePierre Simon de Laplace



    laplace transform拉普拉斯变换

    laplace operator拉普拉斯算子;低量算符


    Vector-valued Laplace Transforms and Cauchy Problems
    Vector-valued Laplace transforms and Cauchy problems.
    The Accurate Numerical Inversion of Laplace Transforms
    Algorithm 368: Numerical inversion of Laplace transforms [D5]
    Algorithm 368: Numerical inversion of Laplace transforms [D5]
    Numerical Inversion of Laplace Transforms: An Efficient Improvement to Dubner and Abate's Method.
    Tables of integral transforms. Vol. 1: Fourier, Laplace, Mellin transforms
    A new version of the Fast Multipole Method for the Laplace equation in three dimensions
    Regularity of the obstacle problem for a fractional power of the laplace operator
    Approximate Bayesian inference for latent Gaussian models by using integrated nested Laplace approximations
    上一篇:lapis lazuli